Matchbox – by Nando von Arb

These matchboxes have been specially designed for miró by the Zurich-based illustrator and comic artist Nando von Arb.

33 matches in a box.

Box size 3.5 x 5.3 x 1.8 cm.

Made in Zurich.

Limited edition – get your match now!

Matchbox – by Nando von Arb

As a rather introverted person, Nando’s illustrations are his voice.

He uses it to address profound themes such as social taboos with humorous, bizarre and simultaneously raw honesty in his artwork. With his attention to detail, quality, independence and shared values he has much in common with miró.

Inspired by ancient Peruvian drinking vessels and bright colours (which also adorn some of the national flags of the countries where our coffees originate), Nando created abstract, simple motifs that embody fancy coffee cups.

PS: Once you’ve used up all the colourful matches in your miró matchbox, you’ll discover another unique miniature illustration of Nando’s.